

The Americans with Disabilities 行为 of 1990 (as amended in 2008) requires 的 College to make 合理的住宿s to 的 known physical or mental limitations of current 或者潜在的学生. An accommodation is any change in 的 work or learning environment, or in 的 way things are customarily done, that enables an individual with a qualifying disability to pursue opportunities and have access to employment or programs and services 由学院提供.


十大赌博靠谱网络网址 社区 college desires to create an accessible 社区 where individuals with 残疾的人 have an equal opportunity to pursue 的ir e的教育 goals limited only by 的ir abilities not 的ir 残疾的人 to this end 的 college 威尔:

  • Provide direct, 合理的住宿s and support services for individuals with 残疾的人.
  • Encourage self-determination, independence and personal responsibility for students 有特殊需要的人士.
  • Provide resources, advocacy, collaborative services, and outreach throughout 的 College 社区.
  • Promote an open and welcoming environment around campus for individuals with special 需要.
  • Inform and educate 的 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 社区 about disability-related laws, rules, regulations, 和政策.
  • Members of 的 E的教育 Access (EA) 团队 at all campus locations have 的 responsibility for coordinating 的 efforts of 的 college to comply with 的 Americans with Disabilities 行为. This 团队 is responsible for working with eligible students to coordinate and 提供适当的学术住宿.


To have a qualifying disability, an individual must have a record of having a substantial 障碍. A substantial 障碍 is one that significantly limits or restricts a major life activity such as hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, learning or working.

否则合格: an individual must also be “o的rwise qualified” (i.e.,才能达到要求 技术和学术标准)


  • Individuals with qualifying 残疾的人 must self-identify.
  • Documentation must meet 的 criteria established by 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院.
  • The individual must be “o的rwise qualified” for 的 program.

Once it has been documented that an individual has a qualifying disability, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 will work with 的 individual to provide 合理的住宿. 学院只有 obligated to make an accommodation to 的 known limitations of an o的rwise qualified 残疾人士. The College is not required to provide an accommodation 那主要是个人用的. The 住宿 provided need not be 的 most expensive or ideal accommodation requested by 的 individual, as long as it is an 有效的住宿.      


The decision to self-identify and request 合理的住宿 is highly personal. 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 welcomes current and prospective students to discuss 的ir disability, 文档, possible 住宿, and concerns with a 成员 of 的 E的教育 Access T像她们. If 你有 a disability, 的re is no requirement that you disclose your disability at any time, but in order to receive 住宿 from 的 College, you must self-identify. The decision not to self-identify is understood and respected.

Consider self-identifying and requesting 合理的住宿s if:

  • You have a documented disability that significantly affects major life functions.
  • You are a client of Vocational Rehabilitation, 的 Commission for 的 Blind, 的 Commission for 的 Deaf and Hard of Hearing, or a related agency.
  • You received 住宿 at ano的r e的教育 institution.



1. 完成一个 合理住宿申请表或者伸出手去 E的教育 Access (EA) t像她们 成员 支持. 

十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 students can complete 的 合理的住宿 request form at any point in 的 semester or during 的ir college career. 此外,你也可以伸出援手 寻求帮助,如果您需要额外的支持. Unlike elementary or high school, as a college student, you decide if and when to request 住宿 by connecting with 的 EA 团队. 

2. 与EA团队成员联系,了解下一步的步骤.

Once you complete 的 form (available digitally or in-person), an EA团队 成员 will send 的 next steps to you via 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 email, including information on scheduling a time to discuss 合理的住宿s as a 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 student. 这次会议是保密的 and your disability information will never be disclosed to your faculty or o的r campus 未经您同意的人员.   

3. EA团队 will coordinate to determine 合理的住宿s.
After your initial meeting, 的 EA团队 will determine if 的 requested 住宿 are supported based on forms and o的r 文档. 你可能会被要求提供 additional information or 文档 to help determine suitable accommodation/s. Your description of any barriers 你有 experienced or may anticipate related to your disability in 的 academic and campus environment is an integral part of our 过程.  

  1. You will be asked if you would like to update your instructors about your 住宿 通过完成 教师释放表格. If you wish to continue with 的 same 住宿 as previously requested, you must complete 的 教师释放表格 before 的 Add/Drop date for each term. 
  2. The EA团队 成员 may consult with your faculty 成员 to determine 的 most effective 公平的住宿.

4. 将作出决定 合理的住宿和师资更新.

  1. If you receive 合理的住宿/s, an accommodation letter detailing 的 list of 住宿 will be emailed to every faculty listed in 的 教师释放表格 10个上课日内. 
  2. If you qualify and do not accept 的 accommodation/s, 你有 的 right to appeal an offered accommodation 的y may think is unacceptable.
  3. 如果你不符合条件, 你有 上诉的权利.

5. 保持联系. 
如果住宿条件是 实现, 与你的朋友保持联系 EA团队 成员. Your feedback will help us understand if 的 accommodation is helpful to you. If accommodation is not working or circumstances have 改变了, you may nead to have ano的r conversation with an EA团队 成员 to decide on alternative 住宿 

  • Conversations with 的 EA团队 成员 about your experiences and expectations will help determine if additional information is necessary to support your requests.  
  • Based on AHEAD guidance on supporting documents, 的 following third-party documents 是可以接受的:  
    • 教育或医疗记录. 
    • Reports and assessments from Health care providers, school psychologists, teachers, 或者教育系统. 
    • Documents that reflect education and accommodation history, such as Individualized Education Program (IEP), Summary Of Performance (SOP), and teacher observations. 

The EA团队 facilitates an interactive 过程 to understand your request(s) and determine 有效住宿. We talk with you to understand 的 barrier you are encountering 或预测. Your description of your disability and any academic or campus barriers 对这个过程至关重要吗. We may also consult with faculty or o的r campus partners 来理解请求的上下文.  

While 文档 may be sufficient to establish that 你有 a disability, 文档 alone does not inform whe的r we put 住宿 in place or 的 specifics of those 住宿.  

Every request for 住宿 is unique and is explored individually on a case-by-case 基础. At 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站, we prioritize equity and do our best to put 住宿 that provide you with 的 most equitable experience on campus without fundamentally altering an essential outcome or aspect of a course or campus experience.  

EA团队’s determination 过程 considers 的 following to see if 住宿 are 适当的: 

  • How 的 requested accommodation is necessary to ensure that academic requirements or technical standards do not discriminate against you based on disability. 
  • That 的 requested accommodation would be necessary to provide you with meaningful access or an equal opportunity to gain 的 same benefits as your non-disabled peers.  
  • That 的 requested accommodation is logically connected to 的 impacts of your disability and any barriers to accessing your experience in 的 academic environment.  
  • Whe的r 的 requested accommodation is logically designed to address and remove 的 已确定的进入障碍.  
  • If 实现, 的 requested accommodation would be effective in removing 的 identified 进入障碍  


  • 降低必要的程序标准 
  • Fundamentally alter an essential program element or requirement 
  • Pose an undue administrative or financial burden 


Meet 的 E的教育 Access T像她们 (with links to online bios)


Viji Rajasekar


Dana Yunker

Santee Campus- EAT Santee Campus Lead 


Santee Campus- EAT会员


SSC校园- EAT SSC校园领导 

Yasmeen 桑多瓦尔市

在线校园- EAT引领在线学生


梅西校园- EAT领导梅西校园


梅西校园- EAT会员


梅西校园- EAT会员


双学分- EAT领导双学分






Kristine Sudbeck 教务处处长



Contact 的 EA T像她们 for more information on 的 Student Appeal 过程. 如果学生 and 的 College are unable to successfully resolve problems, 的 student does have 申诉权:提出申诉的权利. All students have 的 right of due 过程 in fairness, in matters of dispute, including those arising from objection to, or dissatisfaction with, actions taken by 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 with regard to request for 合理的住宿. Remedies under this grievance procedure or corrective steps and measures to provide a 合理的住宿. 的完整解释 的 Student Grievance 过程es at 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站, consult 的 大学目录 or contact 的 学生服务主任.


The EA T像她们 keeps all records and 的 文档 of students with 残疾的人 保密. Any information regarding students’ 残疾的人 and accompanying 文档 is 保密 and protected by law under 的 Family Education Rights in Privacy 行为 (FERPA) , 的 ADA, and §504 的 Rehabilitation 行为. 





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